3. Housing
Chapter 3 - Housing
This chapter contains the housing strategy for the county, including rural housing, and in line with the settlement strategy (Chapter 2), seeks to secure the provision of new homes tailored to the needs of the existing and projected population. In this way, supporting an all-community approach, with better quality of life, more efficient use of land, and greater integration of infrastructure and services.
National and regional policy reinforces the need for ‘healthy placemaking’ and the delivery of well-designed, affordable, adaptable, infill and brownfield development close to existing services and facilities. The overall aim of the Housing for All – A New Housing Plan for Ireland (2021), is that everyone in Ireland should have access to sustainable, good quality housing to purchase or rent, at an affordable price, in the right location. The preparation of a housing strategy is a mandatory requirement under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The purpose of the strategy is to ensure that provision is made for the housing needs of the existing and future population of the plan area.
Chapter 3 / Housing Strategy is underpinned and supported by a Housing Need Demand Assessment (Appendix 1). The purpose of the Housing Need Demand Assessment is to assist local authorities to develop longer-term strategic views of housing need across all tenures; provide a robust evidence base to support decisions about new housing supply; inform policies about the proportion of social and affordable housing required; and to provide evidence to inform policies related to the provision of specialist housing and housing related services.
This chapter also contains policies and objectives for ‘Specialist Provision’, supporting the delivery of housing to meet the specific design and planning needs a number of groups, namely older people, children and young people, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, the Traveller community and other emergency accommodation needs including those fleeing domestic violence. This chapter also sets out the strategy and policy framework for rural housing in County Kildare. The National Planning Framework (NPF) and ‘Our Rural Future’, Ireland’s Rural Development Policy 2021-2025’, (DRCD, 2021) are clear in their support for the need to plan for sustainable communities and to reinforce our rural communities. The NPF sets out clear guidance and policy objectives relating to the future growth and development of rural areas across Ireland and recognises that there is a continuing need for housing provision for people to live and work in Ireland’s countryside.