2. Wind Energy Strategy

Closed14 Mar, 2022, 09:00 - 24 May, 2022, 16:00


Appendix 2 - Wind Energy Strategy


One of Ireland’s greatest natural resources is wind. The country has one of the most advantageous wind regimes in Europe suitable for the production of electricity especially during the winter months when energy demand is at its highest. Over the course of the last decade in particular, there has been a growing interest in the development of wind farming to harness this valuable and renewable resource. While the western and south-western seaboard counties boast the optimum wind resources, County Kildare also has a certain potential in this area notwithstanding its inland location.
This Wind Energy Development Strategy (Wind Strategy) incorporates a statement of the Council’s objectives in relation to wind energy development and sets out the methodology for the identification of suitable locations for wind energy development in the county, having regard to the relevant policy context.

See Appendix 2

p36: We commend KCC for ensuring Wind Farms do not impinge on the waterways in Kildare.   p52: Particular attention should be given to how perspective schemes would be observed from...
Please see attached submission on behalf of Electricity Supply Board
Department of Defence submission on the Kildare County Council Draft County Development Plan 2023 - 2029
Comments on the Draft Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029
p36: We commend KCC for ensuring Wind Farms do not impinge on the waterways in Kildare.   p52: Particular attention should be given to how perspective schemes would be observed from...