11 - Built & Cultural Heritage

Closed14 Mar, 2022, 09:00 - 24 May, 2022, 16:00

Chapter 11 - Built & Cultural Heritage


County Kildare has a rich and diverse heritage, which includes landscapes, countryside, archaeological sites and the built environment of towns and villages. Heritage is integral to the identity of any county. It provides the county with a strong sense of place, character, and distinctiveness. Heritage protection is an integral part of sustainable development, it has environmental and quality of life benefits and brings significant economic benefits.

Much of our built heritage is clustered in our towns, and the restoration and re-use of derelict or under-used buildings can provide for a variety of innovative uses, such as housing, education, arts, and cultural spaces. While the active use of built heritage is a key element for the revitalisation of our town centres, the protection and conservation of buildings, structures and their settings, as protected structures, and archaeological monuments, will continue to be a key element in built heritage policy.

See Chapter 11

We wish to object to Vanessa's Bower being added to the list of protected structures for the reasons set out in the attachment
See attached detailed submission
Swindon Investment Co Ltd's submission and on-going commitment to our lands within Carton Demesne: Our primary aim and objective is the conservation, protection and where appropriate,...
p38 Note: On Map, Naas Harbour is shown as designated within Naas Conservation area  Part 12 Biodiversity & Green Infrastructure  p38: We commend Kildare County Council’...