2. Core Strategy
Chapter 2 - Core Strategy & Settlement Strategy
The Draft Core and Settlement Strategy set out an overarching growth strategy for the development of the county to 2029 and translate the strategic planning framework of the National Planning Framework (NPF), the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midlands Region (RSES) and the Specific Planning Policy Requirements specified in the Ministerial Guidelines under Section 28 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended), to county level.
The draft Core and Settlement Strategy seeks to support the implementation of the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP), which includes the towns of Maynooth, Leixlip, Celbridge, and Kilcock; seeks to deliver sustainable regional development through the Key Towns of Naas and Maynooth; seeks to support rural areas with a network of towns and villages; and seeks to support the transition to low carbon, climate resilient communities and a healthy environment with high quality air and water.
The Core Strategy is a critical component of the Draft Plan with the purpose of articulating a medium-to-longer term quantitatively based strategy for the spatial development of the area of the planning authority. The central focus of the Core Strategy is on residential development and in ensuring that there is a suitable supply of zoned, serviced land for the projected demand for new housing, over the lifetime of the Plan. The Core Strategy is centred on a number of key principles including compact growth, urban regeneration and placemaking.
The draft Settlement Strategy identifies the ‘settlement hierarchy’ for the county, being the targeted distribution of housing and population within the development plan. The settlement hierarchy is the defining vision for how the county is likely to grow and develop over the lifetime of the development plan, with a clear set of spatial priorities identified. The settlement strategy of the plan is the means by which spatial choices are made and priorities expressed.
See Chapter 2