15 - Development Management Standards
Chapter 15 - Development Management Standards
Development management is a statutory process that ensures that development takes place in an orderly and efficient manner. Specific control measures are outlined to ensure that new development is of high quality and relates to the character, scale, layout, and form of the area in question. Development will be managed by means of established and proven principles aided by guiding standards, in particular guidelines issued to the planning authority by the Minister regarding its functions, under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
There is an obligation on the Council to ensure that permissions granted under the Planning Acts are consistent with the policies and objectives set out in this Plan. This chapter focuses on the general planning standards and design criteria that will be applied by the council to ensure that future development is in accordance with these policies and objectives. The granting of planning permission does not in itself enable development to commence. There may be other legal and procedural requirements to consider, including property title, building regulations, public health acts, fire regulations, air and water pollution legislation.
See Chapter 15