Draft Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029

Dúnta14 Már, 2022, 09:00 - 24 Bea, 2022, 16:00

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UPDATE 28th September 2022
The Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029 are on display here until 4 p.m. 27th October 2022. 
The Meeting to Consider the Chief Executive's Report of 19th July 2022, Motions received and Recommended  Proposed Alterations is 12th September 2022 and if required 13th September 2022.  Members of the public who wish attend, should contact meetings@kildarecoco.ie before 3 p.m. on 9/9/2022 as spaces are limited. 

Chief Executive’s Report

The public consultation period for the Draft stage of the Kildare County Development Plan 2023-2029 has closed. The Chief Executive’s Report has now been prepared and submitted to the Elected Members of Kildare County Council for their consideration.

The Chief Executives Report provides a summary of the issues raised in submissions received during the public consultation along with the Chief Executive’s response and recommendations.  

This report can now be viewed under the Outcomes sections on this page


Draft  Kildare

County Development Plan 2023 - 2029

Kildare County Council and Elected Members welcome your input
and submissions to the
Draft Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029 which is on public display until 4 p.m. on 24th May 2022.

View the Draft Plan
-  in the Content  area of this page
-  The Planning Office, Kildare County Council, Aras Chill Dara, Naas 
    9 am -  4 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Appointments can be made online by 
    phoning 045
980200 or at http://kildare.ie/countycouncil/OnlineBookingSystem/

Online Public Information Sessions
To facilitate a discussion and to provide an overview about the policies, objectives, actions and targets within the Draft Development Plan three independently facilitated online public information sessions will be held at the following times and dates:
Wednesday   6th April   7pm -  9pm
Wednesday 27th April  10am -12pm
Wednesday 11th  May   2pm -  4pm

As all three sessions will follow the same format, and to accommodate all those who wish to attend, interested members of the public are asked to attend only one of these sessions. Attendance at one session can be booked via the website https://draftkildarecdp2023-2029.ie/ under the ‘Public Information Sessions’ section. 

If you would like to view the presentation prior to the webinar, you can access it here: Public Consultation Webinar Presentation

Make your Submission
This is the time to make your submission! Submissions are welcome and can be made;
- from this page at Make a Submission link
- in writing to; The Draft Kildare County Development Plan, C/O The Administrative Officer, Forward Planning, 
  Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare.

Closing Date for submissions, strictly; 4 p.m. 24th May 2022
Submissions will be made public on the website and at the offices of the Planning Department. As an online facility has been provided for your convenience, e-mail and faxed submissions will not be accepted.

Details of your privacy entitlements and obligations under GDPR can be read here: https://kildare.ie/countycouncil/AllServices/Planning/DevelopmentPlans/

Enquiries can be made to 045 980748


Public Notice 14th March 2022







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