Notice of Special Meeting to consider the Chief Executive's Report on Pre-Draft Submissions and consideration of Members Motions
A special meeting of Kildare County Council to consider the Chief Executive's Report on Pre-Draft Submissions will be held at 9.30 amon Tuesday 29th June 2021 on Microsoft Teams.
The public can attend and to do so a request must be sent via email to
Chief Executive’s Report
The public consultation period for the Pre-Draft stage of the Kildare County Development Plan 2023-2029 has closed. The Chief Executive’s Report has now been prepared and submitted to the Elected Members of Kildare County Council for their consideration.
The Chief Executives Report provides a summary of the issues raised in submissions received during the public consultation along with the Chief Executive’s opinions and recommendations in relation to policies/objectives to be included in the Draft Plan.
This report and appendices can now be viewed under the Reports and Outcomes sections on this page.
Kildare County Council is commencing the review of the current Kildare County Development Plan 2017-2023 and is preparing a new County Development Plan 2023-2029 that will set out the framework to guide future development in the County up to 2029 and beyond.
The Pre Draft Issues Paper consultation phase has commenced and will run for an 8-week period from the 11th January 2021 to 8th March 2021. Join the conversation and have your say in shaping the future development of County Kildare.
What is a County Development Plan? The County Development Plan sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of County Kildare. The Plan acts as a blueprint for the development of the county from a physical, economic, social and environmental perspective for a 6 year period.
How will my ideas and views inform the Plan? Your views will help to shape the direction that the Development Plan will take. Your submissions will be reviewed and summarised, and recommendations will be made in response to them. This will be presented to the Councillors in the form of a Chief Executive’s report. Your views will be published here on our planning portal. The Chief Executive’s report will also be made available on the Council's website.
The Issues Paper This Issues Paper is available to view from Monday 11th January 2021 to Monday 8th March 2021 (inclusive):
On this page (below and in the materials section)
Planning Office, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas during opening times of 9.00am–4.00pm, Monday to Friday (closed Bank Holiday Mondays) unless otherwise affected by national public health advice whereby updates in relation to same shall be set out on the Council’s website. Where access can be facilitated at Áras Chill Dara and in accordance with public health advice, appointments must be booked in advance at and face coverings must be worn in public buildings. Where face coverings are not worn, service may not be possible
At the time of writing, Kildare County Council Libraries are not open to the public due to Covid 19 public health restrictions. Should you have any enquiries or require a copy of the Issues Paper to be posted to you, please email
Online Public Meetings To facilitate a discussion about the high level strategic issues facing the future development of the County, two independently facilitated online public meetings will be held as follows:
Wednesday 3rd February 2021 from 11am to 1pm, and
Thursday 11th February 2021 from 7pm to 9pm.
As both meetings will follow the same format, and to accommodate all those who wish to attend, interested members of the public are asked to attend only one of these meetings. To register to attend a meeting, please email and specify your name (and group/organisation you represent, if applicable) and which meeting you wish to attend (3rdor 11th of February). A link to the online meeting will be e-mailed to all registered attendees the day before the event. For this reason, registration for each meeting will close 24 hours before the event.
Children and Young People
Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are particularly encouraged and are entitled to make submissions or observations regarding the foregoing.
To encourage the participation of children and young people in this process, Kildare County Council is holding a Photographic Competition for Primary and Secondary School students called 'This is My Kildare!'. For details of the competition, including prizes, please see:
Make a Submission
You can make a submission in two ways;
- On this page at 'Make A Submission'
- In writing to Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare (clearly marked “County Development Plan Review”).
Requests or proposals for the zoning of particular land for any purpose shall not be considered at this stage and any submissions received in this regard will be returned.
Kildare County Council is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Acts, 1988 to 2018. In order to assist us with complying with the Data Protection Act please include your name and contact details on a separate sheet to the content of your submission/observation as submissions will be published on the council’s website. Please make your submission by one medium only. As an online facility has been provided for your convenience, e-mail and faxed submissions will not be accepted.
The final date for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Monday the 8th March 2021. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Issues Paper for the Pre Draft Stage of Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029
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Notice of Special Meeting to consider the Chief Executive's Report on Pre-Draft Submissions and consideration of Members Motions
A special meeting of Kildare County Council to consider the Chief Executive's Report on Pre-Draft Submissions will be held at 9.30 am on Tuesday 29th June 2021 on Microsoft Teams.
The public can attend and to do so a request must be sent via email to
Kildare County Council is commencing the review of the current Kildare County Development Plan 2017-2023 and is preparing a new County Development Plan 2023-2029 that will set out the framework to guide future development in the County up to 2029 and beyond.
The Pre Draft Issues Paper consultation phase has commenced and will run for an 8-week period from the 11th January 2021 to 8th March 2021. Join the conversation and have your say in shaping the future development of County Kildare.
What is a County Development Plan?
The County Development Plan sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of County Kildare. The Plan acts as a blueprint for the development of the county from a physical, economic, social and environmental perspective for a 6 year period.
How will my ideas and views inform the Plan?
Your views will help to shape the direction that the Development Plan will take. Your submissions will be reviewed and summarised, and recommendations will be made in response to them. This will be presented to the Councillors in the form of a Chief Executive’s report. Your views will be published here on our planning portal. The Chief Executive’s report will also be made available on the Council's website.
The Issues Paper
This Issues Paper is available to view from Monday 11th January 2021 to Monday 8th March 2021 (inclusive):
Online Public Meetings
To facilitate a discussion about the high level strategic issues facing the future development of the County, two independently facilitated online public meetings will be held as follows:
As both meetings will follow the same format, and to accommodate all those who wish to attend, interested members of the public are asked to attend only one of these meetings. To register to attend a meeting, please email and specify your name (and group/organisation you represent, if applicable) and which meeting you wish to attend (3rd or 11th of February). A link to the online meeting will be e-mailed to all registered attendees the day before the event. For this reason, registration for each meeting will close 24 hours before the event.
Children and Young People
Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are particularly encouraged and are entitled to make submissions or observations regarding the foregoing.
To encourage the participation of children and young people in this process, Kildare County Council is holding a Photographic Competition for Primary and Secondary School students called 'This is My Kildare!'. For details of the competition, including prizes, please see:
Make a Submission
You can make a submission in two ways;
- On this page at 'Make A Submission'
- In writing to Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare (clearly marked “County Development Plan Review”).
Requests or proposals for the zoning of particular land for any purpose shall not be considered at this stage and any submissions received in this regard will be returned.
Kildare County Council is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Acts, 1988 to 2018. In order to assist us with complying with the Data Protection Act please include your name and contact details on a separate sheet to the content of your submission/observation as submissions will be published on the council’s website.
Please make your submission by one medium only. As an online facility has been provided for your convenience, e-mail and faxed submissions will not be accepted.
The final date for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Monday the 8th March 2021. Late submissions will not be accepted.