Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Elizabeth Cullen

3. Housing

  • Investigate the possibility of having refundable centres for hard plastic at recycling centres in housing developments. 


  • Develop pedestrian and open spaces to allow people to meet  and chat in the centres of our housing developments,  towns and villages


  • Explore the concept of co-housing, which is a shared type of housing. The houses can enclose a circular space where children can play. Each family has their own bedroom kitchen and living room but there are shared facilities such as washing machines, cars, lawn mowers, a common living room etc.  Some houses don't use many of their household items frequently, yet their manufacture has used a lot of earth's resources
  • Consider the use of dementia friendly signage in housing developments, towns and villages
  • I would like an exploration of the possibility of the use of grey water in flushing toilets or composting toilets in all new housing developments. The use of drinking water to flush toilets is an unnecessary waste of this precious resource.
  • All new houses to have solar panels for water and electricity generation