suubmission biodiversity climate local

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Elizabeth Cullen
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Elizabeth Cullen

Litir Chumhdaigh

Hi, my name is Liz Cullen, and I live in Kildare. I believe that, in the light of the biodiversity and climate crises, that we must reduce our use of the Earth's resources and try to meet as many of our needs either at home or as locally as possible. I would like the council to assist in this, e.g. by facilitating local markets.

I wish you well with your deliberations, as we face both a climate and a biodiversity crisis




The draft plan states that " delivery of quality homes and sustainable communities for County Kildare is a key and cross-cutting issue in ensuring that the county remains competitive as a place to live and invest in".

I propose that allotments be made available to residents in all new housing schemes, so that people can grow some of their vegetables and thereby reduce their carbon footprint.  Allotments have also been shown to increase community spirit and to promote a sense of wellbeing, essential factors in a sustainable community.

Local markets

RD 012  Encourage farmers markets for the sale of locally produced goods at appropriate locations in the towns and villages across the county.

In the light of the climate crisis, it is vital that we reduce our carbon footprint. In order to do this, we need to meet a substantial proportion of our needs locally, such as vegetables, bread. jams etc.  To this end, I would like more details on how the farmers’ markets will be organized, and what supports will be available for the farmers and organizers.  I could not see any specific details in relation to this in this chapter.

Public input to increasing biodiversity


Chapter 12 Biodiversity and Green infrastructure

We have a biodiversity emergency and it is in this light that I make the following comments and proposals.

  1. It is good that the current (although out-dated) biodiversity strategy will be reviewed during the lifetime of this plan.
  2. In relation to BI036, I welcome the initiative to involve citizens in monitoring invasive species, and hopefully other species but how this will be undertaken is unclear.
  3. I propose that we have a biodiversity officer in each county, who is a fully qualified ecologist, and who would liaise with the NPWS. 


This officer could:

  • Liaise with Tidy Town committees to ensure that their work maximizes benefits to the local biodiversity.
  • Coordinate public engagement in schemes undertaken  by the National Biodiversity Centre such as the bumble bee and butterfly monitoring on both private and council owned properties
  • Advise resident groups, farmers and all interested parties and individuals on what they can do to encourage biodiversity in their area, and inform  citizens about what biodiversity is in danger e.g. marsh fritillary butterfly, swallows, etc, and what they can do to help the situation.
  • Provide regular and public updates on the biodiversity status of Kildare as reported on the map of the National Biodiversity Database
  • To investigate the possibility of establishing tiny urban forests, or Miyawaki forests in more heavily populated built up areas (it is based on natural forest regeneration principles), and tree planting in other council owned land

In relation to planning, the local biodiversity officer, in consultation with planners, would require developers to:

  • Include green spaces; edible hedges, bramble, community orchards, wildflower meadows, retain mature trees, and to install community composting and recycling facilities, with financial penalties for non-compliance.
  • Leave hedgerows and trees in place, and to provide evidence as to why they need to remove any natural vegetation, with financial penalties for non-compliance.   
  • Prohibit the planting of laurel in public places
  • Undertake a specialist review of all planning applications for their impact on biodiversity
  • Include provision for swift boxes in all new housing developments
  • To undertake an aerial assessment of each village and town in the county, to identify any land that is underused and un-used, and to collaborate with the owners to investigate how biodiversity can be promoted in that area.
  • Liaisewith owner/managers of open spaces to plant pollinator friendly native Irish trees and vegetation e.g. planting trees around a playing pitch
  • Itemize, map and monitor all semi-natural habitats in Kildare such as the Curragh, the state of their animals and plants, and in conjunction with all relevant stakeholders, to develop an appropriate plan of action
  • Consideration to be given to the development of bio-solar roof tops on all new houses and where possible on older buildings


housing, water and climate


We have a climate emergency and it is in this light that I make the following proposals, which would make it easier to enable people to reduce their carbon emissions:

Facilitating car-sharing, where people living in rural areas or in housing developments could know if anybody was going into the town and could either give them a lift or get them something they wished to buy.

Having higher parking charges for vehicles which have a higher carbon footprint

Develop more cycle routes

A drop-in centre where people could get readily available advice on how to reduce their carbon emissions

 All housing developments and public buildings, such as schools and other community buildings to have solar panels for water and electricity generation


Sustainable development

  • I propose that all of the actions to be developed in the County Development Plan be benchmarked against the Sustainable Development goals

Making use of wool locally

  • Consider the possibility of developing a centre in Newbridge to  undertake research into wool and the many uses to which it could be put  e.g. insulation, fertilizer


  • Investigate the possibility of having refundable centres for hard plastic at recycling centres in housing developments. 


  • Develop pedestrian and open spaces to allow people to meet  and chat in the centres of our housing developments,  towns and villages


  • Explore the concept of co-housing, which is a shared type of housing. The houses can enclose a circular space where children can play. Each family has their own bedroom kitchen and living room but there are shared facilities such as washing machines, cars, lawn mowers, a common living room etc.  Some houses don't use many of their household items frequently, yet their manufacture has used a lot of earth's resources
  • Consider the use of dementia friendly signage in housing developments, towns and villages
  • I would like an exploration of the possibility of the use of grey water in flushing toilets or composting toilets in all new housing developments. The use of drinking water to flush toilets is an unnecessary waste of this precious resource.
  • All new houses to have solar panels for water and electricity generation




Dangerous roundabout

I propose that the new roundabout system linking Naas  to Clane be revised. From personal experience, I believe it to be very dangerous as the driver may inadvertently be diverted to Dublin while intending to go to Naas.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 