Submissions by topics "housing"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "housing"

It is essential that the council look to support the introduction of a number of serviced sites at vari ous loacations around the county. Time after time we find oursleves making...
Hi Good Morning, I wonder please of we can get some information around land rezoning in roseberry newbridge for the purpose of housing development. I believe in 2003/2004, the lands were...
family cluster
Hi Good morning,   I wonder please if we can find information on rezoning of lands in Roseberry, Newbridge, for the purpose of Housing development. We believe in 2003/2004 the lands were...
We have a climate emergency and it is in this light that I make the following proposals, which would make it easier to enable people to reduce their carbon emissions: Facilitating car-sharing,...
I am very concerned about Section 3.14 in the Draft plan which says that houses will be limited to 15 houses per kilometre squared generally, and a maximum of 25 per km.sq. where the area is very...
The draft plan states that " delivery of quality homes and sustainable communities for County Kildare is a key and cross-cutting issue in ensuring that the county remains competitive as a place to...
To Kildare Co.Co, I wish to make a submission RE:2023-2029 County Development Plan. Looking at the rural county as a whole there is a large amount of derelict houses, unfinished house...
Kildare people will not be able to build a house in their own county going forward however big developers will throw up sub standard house and charge through the nose for them and Kildare people...
Objection to restrict houses to 15 per kilometre squared, also to the requirement to own at least 15 hectares to be classed as a farmer and the need to have lived in Kildare for 16 years.