13 - Landscape, Recreation & Amenity

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
David Mulcahy Planning Consultant, MIPE, MRTPI

13 - Landscape, Recreation & Amenity

Serviced Sites - this is a welcomed introduction to the new plan but sufficient lands must be approriately zoned or designated in order to promote competition and ensure that the prices such sites are sold at are affordable.  Limiting the amount of lands for Serviced Sites is only likley to encourage higher prices for such sites which will discourage persons from purchasing same.


Car Parking - the new CDP should reflect other county development plans whereby there is a scaled or graded reduction in car parking requirements based on proximity to urban centres and high qulaity public transport.


River Liffey - this is arguably the key amenity asset in the county yet it is woefully underutilised in terms of its potential.  There should be a strong policy to provide a greenway along the entire length of the River Liffey connecting into the proposed greenway at Blessington Lakes in County Wicklow.  The current practice of relying on piecemeal planning applications to secure bits and pieces of the river edge should be abandoned in favour of a clear plan to promote a greenway along this key corridor.  It would be a massive amenity benefit for the county. The section along the Liffey Linear Park in Newbridge should be used as an exemplar model of how it can be done right.  It is submitted that there should be a map included with the new CDP clearly identyfying this route and that this should form the basis of any future funding applications.