Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Naoise Ó Cearúil

8 - Urban Centres & Retail

Maynooth has been designated as a Key Town as part of the Regional Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Eastern Region along with Swords and Bray. This designation has lead to Maynooth being allocated additional housing targets. In order for the town to develop in a sustainable way, consideration should be given to the extension of the town boundaries to the South of the Town encorporating parts of Ballygoran and Moneycooley. These areas should then be considered for zoning as part of the Maynooth Local Area Plan.



Town Environs of Maynooth should be extended to the South


Parts of Moneycooley and Ballygoran, close to the R406 are part of the Maynooth LAP

Main reasons: 

For sustainable and equitable development of the Key Growth Town of Maynooth