Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
The Paddocks Residents Association

5. Sustainable Mobility & Transport


The Paddocks Residents Association cannot accept the inclusion of indicative route named Gallops Avenue in the Draft County Development Plan.

This is the almost an identical route to the “Naas Inner Relief Road” which was proposed, via a Part 8 planning process, during the last council term. That proposal was rejected by the vast majority of the Naas Municipal District (NMD) Councillors. This rejection reflected the strong opposition communicated to our representatives, across all parties, from many residents of Naas, including The Paddocks Residents Association. It is completely unacceptable not to accept that decision and to raise it again within this proposed plan. Changing the name to Gallops Avenue/Boulevard and moving it a few feet does not disguise that this is the previously proposed “Naas Inner Relief Road” in everything but name.

This proposed road is one that has been in the plans for last 30 years and is now well past its “sell by date”. With Naas having grown exponentially in the intervening years, this road is no longer a viable solution. Moving the traffic bottlenecks a little further out from the centre of the town will not improve overall traffic flow and will not solve traffic issues in the short or long term. 


Objection to inclusion of "Gallops Avenue" road in Naas


Withdraw proposed "Gallops Avenue" route and move traffic away from town and build up residential areas

Main reasons: 

Safety, traffic, impact on residential areas