Objection to Inclusion of The Proposed Gallops Avenue (Naas Inner Relief Road)

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 

5. Sustainable Mobility & Transport


I am very disappointed to see this proposal once again raising its head although it was rejected by the majority in 2019. 

As a resident in this county who votes in this constituency, I strongly object to the inclusion of ‘The Gallops Avenue’ in this plan (Chapter 5 and Table 5.4 - Priority Road and Bridge Projects).  This road proposal was democratically defeated in 2019 by Naas councillors (6:1 votes) who are on the record in Naas MD Council minutes as stating this road proposal is outdated and not fit for purpose. 

This is an outdated plan and does not serve the interest of the people of Naas. This proposed solution will only cause further traffic issues along with other community and social issues in the town of Naas. Kildare County Council needs to look at this from scratch and make a proposal that works for the town of Naas and its people in 2022. This plan is outdated and seems to be continued to be pushed by certain people? An outer ring road is needed.