Naas-Sallins should be treated as a singular settlement in the context of the new Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Gus Whelan

2. Core Strategy


Whilst we are aware that the Local Area Plans, as includes Sallins, will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, we wish to highlight a potential fundamental ‘mis-alignment’ with the overarching ‘Settlement Hierarchy’ as relegates Sallins to a ‘Town’, where it fundamentally and more appropriately aligns both physically and economically with ‘Naas’ Key Town.

In this regard we respectfully suggest the Naas and Environs Town Plan should fundamentally envelop the ‘suburb of Sallins’ and afford its recognition of the current and potential interdependence they currently provide and should continue to do so, in the interests of logical and sustainable development.

Naas-Sallins should be treated as a singular settlement in the context of the new Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in order to achieve the new spatial planning policy set out in National and Regional documents and to enable achievement of these policies ‘on the ground’ at local level.  This approach is acknowledged in the RSES document quoted in this submission.