Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Mark Bruns

11 - Built & Cultural Heritage

Chapter 11 outlines the plan for built and cultural sites. The conservation plans for the Wonderful Barn are not sufficient. AH 022 merely states "Safeguard the amenities of The Wonderful Barn including the
adjacent buildings." The Wonderful Barn has been neglected by the council and it is paramount for the council to develop this site by:
- investing in the restoration of the structures which are falling apart
- make the Wonderful Barn accessible to public (currently there is a gate which keeps people from entering which is maintained by the allotment owners)
- provide bins around the Wonderful Barn so people can dispose of their litter. There currently are no bins around the site!
- make the land a tourist attraction with places to park and a dedicated warden of the barn to maintain cleanliness and security
- remove graffiti from the buildings