See attached detailed submission.
Solar Energy Development within Kildare County
EC O55
Estimate an overall carbon balance when evaluating renewable energy project applications on peatlands, especially those proposed for wind or solar projects taking into account the...
7.12.7 Peatlands
EC P17
Support the preparation of a comprehensive “after use” framework plan for the industrial peatlands and associated workshops, office buildings,...
Please see attached submission on behalf of Electricity Supply Board
Please see attached submission on behalf of Electricity Supply Board
Please ammend to....
"EC O16
Require comprehensive winter and summer bird and wildlife surveys for all proposed wind farms sites in accordance with EIA,...
7.12.5 Electric Vehicles
Objective EC 045 to "Promote the delivery of EV charging facilities across the County where demand is proven, both on sites owned and...
7.6 Solar Energy
Objective EC 018 to "Encourage and support the use of appropriately scaled solar energy in residential, commercial and industrial developments...
EC O11
Encourage wind energy developments in suitable locations in an environ- mentally sustainable manner whilst having regard to Government policy and the County Wind Energy...