Naas Canal Quarter Masterplan: Have your say
Kildare County Council’s Naas Canal Quarter regeneration initiative is an ambitious master planning project, aimed at transforming an under-used area in the centre of Naas into a thriving hub for both locals and visitors.
The Naas Canal Quarter area is located to the west of Main Street, east of Sarto Park, north of Newbridge Road and south of Abbey Road and Bridge.
Collaboration is an important aspect of this project. Kildare County Council is seeking to gather information and views from people with live, work or visit Naas. This is why the Council is launching an on-line survey to hear from as many voices as possible.
By developing underutilised sites and buildings, revitalising public spaces, improving pedestrian and cycling paths and creating engaging new spaces, Kildare County Council aspires to establish the Naas Canal Quarter as an attractive new town centre destination.
The scheme is supported by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s Urban Regeneration and Development Fund. It aims to attract new businesses, create diverse recreational opportunities, spark investment and create a vibrant hub with a rich historical background.
The transformation of vacant and underused spaces into dynamic areas is central to this plan, with a focus on attracting investment and commercial activity.
Kildare County Council places a strong emphasis on preserving and celebrating the area's rich heritage, with sensitive restoration of historic buildings and assets, ensuring that the past is honoured while paving the way for a prosperous future.
The integration and enhancement of existing community and cultural assets and their public spaces, such as the new Naas library, old Naas library building, Moat Theatre and health centre are also key components of the project, aimed at reinforcing the existing social and cultural fabric of the area.
Please complete this questionnaire to share your insights and help shape the future of the Naas Canal Quarter.
Submit your thoughts and ideas
Share your insights and help shape the future of the Naas Canal Quarter by completing this questionnaire
Closing Date
Friday 9th August 2024 at 5 pm
Contact Details; The Forward Planning Section, Planning Department, Kildare County Council. Email;