Kilcock Town Identity & Branding

Closed8 Apr, 2021, 14:30 - 7 May, 2021, 16:30

Residents of Kilcock, your town, your opinion!

Residents of Kilcock, we want to hear from you as part of the Kilcock Town Identity Project. We need your help to gather a set of ideas, images and themes strongly connected with Kilcock. The most interesting of these will be used to create an identity for Kilcock on road side signs to welcome people as they enter the town. This project was identified during public consultations carried out in 2018 as part of the Kilcock Town Health Check.

 At this stage of the project we want to gather images or themes and their backgrounds relevant to Kilcock. The images or themes must evoke a strong connection with Kilcock, its heritage and ambitions. You can upload your image below. We will be gathering images and themes until mid May 2021 when this survey will close.

 Following the completion of this stage the main themes and images will be compiled by the professional design team and concept sign layouts will be put on display for your comment before the final selection is made.



The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.