Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Strategy

Closed10 Sep, 2020, 09:25 - 22 Oct, 2020, 17:00

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Open Space and Outdoor Recreation in County Kildare 2021-2031


The Planning and Parks Departments of Kildare County Council, with Kildare Sports Partnership, are preparing a Strategy for the future provision of Open Space and Outdoor Recreation.  We are now seeking the opinions and ideas of the public to inform the new strategy. 

Open space is an essential component of the fabric of our environment which brings social, environmental, economic and health benefits to the communities of County Kildare.  The benefit of preparing an open space strategy is the protection and creation of a network of high-quality open spaces, which will yield further benefits for the people, communities and environment of County Kildare.

What is ‘Open Space’?

For the purposes of this strategy, ‘Open Space’ is defined as space which is accessible to the public, is open-air and may be in public or private ownership (when accessible to the public), the primary use of which is for outdoor recreation and amenity.   County Kildare has a wealth of high-quality open spaces including for example Ballynafagh Lake, Pollardstown Fen, Donadea Forest, Carton Avenue, Castletown Demesne, sporting grounds, playgrounds, walking and Slí na Sláinte routes including along the Grand and Royal Canals.


What will the strategy do?

Through engagement with the public, it is envisaged that the Strategy will inter alia:

  • Guide future development of open spaces and recreational facilities throughout the county by setting short, medium and long term goals,
  • Include an Implementation and Monitoring programme
  • Identify potential funding sources
  • Inform the review of the Kildare County Development Plan and future Local Area Plans.


Why are we consulting?

We would like to hear your opinions and ideas for the future provision of open space and outdoor recreation in County Kildare.   You can get involved by:


  • Reading the attached Issues Paper and making your own submission before 5pm Thursday the 22nd October

 What happens next?
The results of the survey and views expressed in the submissions received will form part of the preparation of the Strategy.  
It is envisaged that a Final Strategy will be presented to the Elected Members of Kildare County Council in early 2021 for noting. 

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Open Space