Naas Canal Quarter

Open4 Feb, 2025, 10:00 - 7 Mar, 2025, 17:00

Naas Canal Quarter 

Masterplan Options Public Consultation

4th February 2025 - 7th March 2025 

This public consultation relates to Kildare County Council’s Naas Canal Quarter Masterplan regeneration initiative. The vision for the Naas Canal Quarter is to transform an under-used area in the centre of Naas into a thriving hub for both locals and visitors.

By developing under-utilised sites and buildings, revitalising public spaces, improving pedestrian and cycling paths, and creating engaging new spaces, Kildare County Council aspires to establish the Naas Canal Quarter as an attractive new town centre destination. Kildare County Council places a strong emphasis on preserving and celebrating the area’s rich heritage, with sensitive restoration of historic buildings and assets, ensuring that the past is honoured while paving the way for a prosperous future.

The integration and enhancement of existing community and cultural assets and their public spaces are also key components of the project, aimed at reinforcing the existing social and cultural fabric of the area.

We want your feedback on our Masterplan Options. The Masterplan Options build upon public engagement conducted in August 2024, and Kildare County Council is now holding a Non-Statutory Public Consultation from Tuesday, 4th February to Friday, 7th March 2025 to inform the public of the details of the proposed project and seek feedback from the public.

View the Consultation Material
Please proceed to the Naas Canal Quarter Virtual Consultation Room (VCR) at this link Naas Canal Quarter

Public Information Event
We will also be holding a Public Information Event at Naas Library and Cultural Centre on Wednesday 26 February between 2pm-8pm.

Make a Submission
You will be able to make a submission to the consultation process from the VCR platform (link above)

Closing date for submissions is 5 p.m. on 7th March 2025. 


Contact Details; The Forward Planning Section, Planning Department, Kildare County Council. 
