Grand Canal Greenway Phase 2 - Proposed Additional Bridges - Part 8 - P82024.07

Open14 Aug, 2024, 09:00 - 25 Sep, 2024, 17:00

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Proposed Grand Canal Greenway Phase 2 - Additional Bridges  Ref P82024.07

Images of Grand Canal Greenway additional bridgesPlanning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) – Part XI

Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8

In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), Kildare County Council hereby gives notice of a proposal to develop as follows:

The proposal is for the provision of 2 no. additional bridges on Phase 2 of the Grand Canal Greenway. Bridge 1 is located in Lowtown, and Bridge 2 is located just east of the existing Healy’s Bridge (Bonynge Bridge).

From the Offaly border, pedestrians and cyclists travel on the north side of the canal. At the new pedestrian bridge (Bridge 1) in Lowtown, they will cross over the Grand Canal to the south side. They will then continue on the upgraded towpath towards Healy’s Bridge. They will travel underneath the existing Healy’s Bridge on the south side of the canal and cross over the new pedestrian bridge (Bridge 2) to the north side, before carrying on to Sallins. The new pedestrian bridge at Lowtown also enables users to access the Barrow Blueway route.

These additional bridges allow for safer access for users of the Greenway by avoiding the crossing of and travelling along dangerous sections of the public road.

The proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and the relevant provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, and the European Communities (Bird and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 – 2015. Kildare County Council has determined that the proposed development will not have a significant effect on a European Site and an Appropriate Assessment is not required.

The proposal has also undergone screening for Environmental Impact Assessment under the EIA Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by Directive 2014/52/EU and the relevant provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended. Having regard to the provisions of the legislation, the nature and scale of the proposed development, the information provided in accordance with Schedule 7A of the Regulations, and having regard to the scale, nature and location of the proposed impacts, the potential impacts and proposed mitigation measures and the results of the any other relevant assessments of the effects on the environment. Kildare County Council has determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required. In accordance with Section 120 of the Planning and Development Regulations (as amended) any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development, Ref. No. P82024.07, will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during normal opening times at Kildare County Council at the address below from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday for a period of 6 weeks from Wednesday, 14 August to Wednesday, 25 September (inclusive).

Details of the proposed development are also available on Kildare County Council’s website online at:

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated, may be made to: A/Senior Executive Officer, Strategic Projects and Public Realm Team, Housing and Regeneration Department, Level 3, Kildare County Council, at the address below, or online here

Submissions must be made no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 25 September 2024. All submissions and observations should be headed:

All submissions and observations should be headed ‘Part 8 Proposed Grand Canal Greenway Phase 2 Additional Bridges.'

All comments, including names of those making comments submitted to the Council regarding the scheme as outlined above, will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at a meeting of the elected members. Accordingly, they will also be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain.


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